By Lian Brook-Tyler

Here’s what showed up for me this year, and in true Lian-style, it turned out to be all about myth and archetypes…


I devoted to knowing, loving and listening to my inner child more deeply than ever.

I haven’t chosen a ‘word for the year’ for many years since I realised that I’d reached a point on the path where letting go of that form of (perceived) control of my experience was necessary to go further, and yet, this week little Li asked for 2023 to be the year of the Child: the archetypes of the Child, my inner girl, my actual children, and the inner child of everyone who I’m in connection with.

Jung said "In every adult there lurks a child - an eternal child, something that is becoming, is never completed and calls for unceasing care, attention and education. That is the part of the human personality which waits to develop and become whole."

His words ‘eternal child’ suggest the focus for next year might well be the Trojan horse for a lifetime’s work, but I know better than to noli equi dentes inspicere donati.


Anyone who has spent any time at all in the work of Waking The Wild will know how important community is to us.

So important that ‘Kinship’ is one of the 7 elements we are devoted to honouring in our work, which we describe thus: “A primal sense of deep connection with kindred spirits through the illumination and actualisation of your sacred role within your family, creating true community and sitting together in circle with others on this journey.”

Honouring that element this year became a gauntlet that has awed me, shocked me, humbled me, saddened me, provided sleepless nights and fodder for many a therapy session, and prepared me for the true size, much greater than anticipated, of the challenge ahead.

Jonathan and I made aligned but hard and costly choices which in the short term, appeared to fly in the face of our devotion, but is part of laying the foundation for the longer term work of invoking the ancient archetype of the Village, based on sovereign interdependence, and alchemising it for modern days, initially within Waking The Wild but with the clear intention to activate, inspire and support our people to take that archetype and actualise it in their own lives and on their own land - which is where true community lies.


Five days before our long awaited rebirth, Jonathan and I were talking about what we would finally be in a position to create upon the clear and solid ground of Waking The Wild, and then simultaneously got a message from Spirit that we were being called to pause or stop altogether what we had been planning for the coming months, and to instead serve a new energetic.

Though I adore words and honour their power, I’m also aware that the deeper we journey into truth, the more we reach unsayable ground… the Tao that can be told, and all that… so whilst I’ll share the word we are using to express this frequency, please know it’s not close to the entirety of the frequency.

It is Mythical.

And of course, in hindsight, it’s the energy we’ve been serving all along, just with far less awareness and intention than now.

This new clarity means it’s time for us to devote to the Great Work more deeply and serve Spirit more fully, no matter what it asks of us, including surrendering to the deaths of identities, structures and relationships, and to live into the archetypes that our souls came here for… to live mythically… and to guide others who are here for that too.

This will happen in several phases with tangible actions, including:

Immediately closing our most intimate and impactful crucible, Waking The Wild Sovereign. Though it has transformed lives, held precious people through deeply significant and challenging experiences (including divorce, critical illness, moves across continents, childbirth and bereavement), brought in multiple six figures of revenue, and has taught us so much, not least about the King and Queen archetypes, which will continue to be cornerstones of our work - we need to let the crucible go. I share this level of detail (the part about money being especially unusual for me) because it’s a perfect example of what living mythically requires.

We are creating a new experimental crucible, also called Mythical, the first fractal and portal of the greater frequency. The first circle filled up before we could even create it… a welcome featherbed after hurling ourselves into the abyss of closing Sovereign… the next will likely be coming in July ‘23. It is ‘experimental’ because we don’t yet know quite what this energetic will ask of us or the circle, though what it has already asked us to honour, release and sacrifice provides a somewhat terrifying indication.

We foresee that one day, the whole of Waking The Wild will either become Mythical or will be part of a wider Mythical family… Let's see how the myth unfolds.

My gratitude, love and blessings to everyone who has played a part in the creation of my 2022 and allowed me to play a part in theirs… my family, friends, team, students, tree, local land, teachers, allies and guides (dead, alive, human and otherwise)… aka my beloved Village.

I’ll end this with a question and invitation in the words of Jung, natch.

“The most important question anyone can ask is: What myth am I living?”

All my love


P.S. the photo is of me with my tree, it was taken almost a year ago back in January, but it could have been taken at any time over many years before that and it’s still where you can find me most days… it was where I began to discover my myth. If you take anything from this post, I would love it to be this.

P.P.S. I’ve shared a bunch of links below which relate to various aspects of this post, if you’re feeling called to go deeper.

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